Accredited measurements of emissions to air.
Applica Test & Certification carries out accredited measurements of emissions to air from stationary sources. We travel throughout Norway and carry out measurements for all types of businesses that need to document their emissions.
We carry out measurements of the following components:
- NOx, CO, O2, CO2
- Dust
- Dioxins/furans (PCDD/PCDF), PCB*, PAH, VOC, TVOC
- SO2, HF, HCl, Hg and Metals (NH3*, H2S*, formaldehyde*, phenol*)
- Flue gas velocity and temperature, as well as moisture content
Our customer base ranges from businesses with their own emissions permit to crematoria, boiler system and other industries that are regulated according to various regulations. Get in touch for a non-binding chat about what we can offer you.