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Intrusion and hold-up alarm products and systems

Applica Test & Certification AS – Accreditation No. PROD 022 offers independent third body Product Certification scheme 1A, 1B and 5, in accordance with all prescribed requirements for Intrusion and hold-up products and systems.

Applica Test & Certification AS is accredited certification body according to the following standards:

  • EN 50131-serie standards
  • EN 50130-serie standards
  • EN 50136-serie standards

Testing Laboratory

Applica Test & Certification AS offers accredited testing in accordance with all prescribed requirements for Intrusion and hold-up products and systems. See Alarm product testing.

For Product Certification Scheme 5 (Certificate of Continued Compliances) surveillance  has to be performed in order to ensure that the production system meets all prescribed requirements.

For more information about certification and testing of intrusion and hold-up alarm products and systems, please contact us:
Phone: + 47 90 10 80 23
Customer feedback: Complaints